
tl;dr 对人类进行基因改造和适应的概念,使其能够生活在另一个对该物种目前的构成和生物能力怀有敌意的星球上。耶洛因按照自己的形象对地球上的人类进行基因改造所建立的连续性可以被理解为泛变性的一个例子。

Pantropy refers to the idea of modifying humans (or other forms of life) to be able to survive in environments such as exoplanets that are otherwise inhospitable. For example, instead of terraforming Mars so humans could live there, pantropy would suggest modifying humans so they could live on Mars as it is. This could involve genetic engineering or other biotechnological interventions to make humans more resistant to cold, able to breathe different air, or even survive without water for longer periods. In simpler terms, pantropy is like customizing people to fit different environments, instead of customizing environments to fit people.

See also
