The Bible Is Not a Sacred Book — The Great Deception

原标题: La Bibbia non è un libro sacro. Il grande inganno

  非小说类书籍 — 写 Mauro Biglino (2013)

“La Bibbia non è un libro sacro. Il grande inganno” (“The Bible is Not a Sacred Book. The Great Deception”) by Mauro Biglino presents a controversial view of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. Biglino argues that the Bible does not contain a spiritually understood divinity and that there is no worship directed towards God in it. He questions the traditional understanding of the Bible, raising issues like the multiple versions of the Bible, the unknown authors and time of its writing, the real nature of the Tree of Life, and the idea that humans are genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The book also challenges the concept of divine creation, the original sin, and the biblical God being the father of Jesus, and delves into how religions are constructed. This work has stirred debate and controversy due to its radical interpretations of biblical texts​​.


About Mauro Biglino

Mauro Biglino is an Italian author and translator who is known for his controversial work on ancient texts and the Bible. He has translated several ancient texts from Hebrew and Aramaic into Italian, including the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Biglino’s translations and interpretations of the Bible have been controversial, as he argues that the text is not a religious or spiritual document, but rather a historical and cultural one. He believes that many of the stories and concepts in the Bible are based on earlier Mesopotamian and Sumerian myths and legends, and that they have been misinterpreted and distorted over time.

Biglino has also argued that the Bible contains references to advanced technology and extraterrestrial beings, and that these have been deliberately suppressed or obscured by religious authorities over the centuries. He has written several books on these topics, including “The Book That Will Forever Change Our Ideas About the Bible” and “The Earth Does Not Belong to Man.”

Biglino’s work has been met with both praise and criticism, with some scholars and readers finding his ideas thought-provoking and challenging, while others have dismissed his theories as unsubstantiated and far-fetched. Nonetheless, his work has contributed to the ongoing debate and discussion surrounding the origins and meaning of the Bible and other ancient texts.


Ancient Astronauts Bible Elohim Neo-Euhemerism Theology