规范脚本 (媒体类型)



  规范脚本  — 写 雷尔 (1973)

《揭示真相的书》由以雷尔(Raël)身份知名的克劳德·沃里隆(Claude Vorilhon)所著,是雷利安运动的基础文本。在这本书中,雷尔叙述了他与外星生物(称为“Elohim”)的遭遇。他声称这些生物揭露了地球上的生命是通过他们的基因工程创造出来的。雷尔认为人类是按照Elohim的形象创造的,并且他们监督并指导人类的发展。这本书表达了雷尔对现实本质和生命目的的看法,主张相信人类有神圣的起源,并且注定要通过科学和技术的进步进化并成为像Elohim一样的存在。雷尔还预见到Elohim将返回,开启一个和平与启蒙的新时代。

Let's Welcome the Extraterrestrials

  规范脚本  — 写 Raël (1979)

"Let's Welcome the Extraterrestrials," the third book in the Raelian series, is a compilation of Rael's responses to frequently asked questions post-publication of his first two books. It addresses apparent contradictions between his earlier messages, clarifies the Raelian stance on various topics, and offers insights into the beliefs and teachings of the Raelian Movement. The book delves into the …

Extraterrestrials Took Me to Their Planet

  规范脚本  — 写 Raël (1976)

"Extraterrestrials Took Me to Their Planet" by Claude Vorilhon, known as Raël, is a sequel to his first book, “The Book Which Tells the Truth.” In this work, Raël details his alleged encounters with extraterrestrial beings, the Elohim, claiming he was taken to their planet. Here, he received teachings about the nature of reality and human existence. The book delves into Raël's beliefs about the …
