Zara Zinsfuss

Maintainer of and main contributor to Wheel of Heaven.

While I was overlooking the rooftops of Jerusalem during a sunset that was very close to the autumn equinox in 2022, I had the idea to formalize what was ruminating in mind for a long time.

The idea was to build a web knowledge base about a subject that had not equivalent up to that point on the web, at least not that I had known of. A web presence that would elaborate and catalogue all information concerning a very speculative hypothesis: namely the hypothesis that Earthly life got scientifically engineered by an extraterrestrial civilization who we remember through Biblical sciptures as the Elohim. A proposition that is also sustained by a contemporary new religious movement known as Raëlism.

Here is an AI altered rendering of me:





Posted in insights on July 7, 2023 by Zara Zinsfuss ‐ 2 min read

内容日志 03/23 🪵

内容日志 03/23 🪵

内容日志记录 03/23:自从我们推出Wheel of Heaven知识库网站以来已经过去了六个月,这段时间一直都很辛苦。作为网站的主要内容创作者,我觉得开始一个内容日志来回顾发生的事情以及我在这段时间内的工作将会很有帮助。

Posted in behind-the-scenes on March 20, 2023 by Zara Zinsfuss ‐ 1 min read



"Love everyone. #lovespeech" 是Ye在附带的推文中说的。将大卫之盾和卍字结合在一起的象征性符号在拉埃利安神学中代表无限。确实,这个符号在拉埃利安人中口头上等同于爱。事实核查:Ye展示了一个拉埃利安符号。将大卫之盾和卍字结合在一起的象征性符号在拉埃利安神学中代表无限。

Posted in current-affairs on December 3, 2022 by Zara Zinsfuss ‐ 1 min read



你好,世界!Wheel of Heaven已正式启动!Wheel of Heaven是一个知识库,探讨了地球上的生命是如何由一个名为Elohim的外星文明智能设计的工作假设。

Posted in behind-the-scenes on September 20, 2022 by Zara Zinsfuss ‐ 1 min read
