The Truth

tl;dr The Truth, the speculative notion that when enough tokens of partial truths are suitably demystified and compiled together, a cohesive all-encompassing narrative emerges that tells the chronicles of how life on Earth was engineered by an extraterrestrial civilization and of what followed thereafter up to this very day where this Truth will be revealed and retold during the times of the Apocalypse.

From a philosophical perspective, Truth can be understood as the state or quality of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is an objective reality that exists independently of human opinion or belief, and it can be discovered through reason, empirical observation, and critical thinking. While truth can be difficult to discern, it is often associated with certain qualities or hallmarks, such as coherence, consistency, accuracy, and transparency. These qualities help to distinguish truth from falsehood, and they provide a standard by which truth claims can be evaluated.

In Raëlism 🔯

Wheel of Heaven take the account of the Räelian revelations as canonical. The foundational texts of the Räelian new religious movement, namely “The Book Which Tells the Truth,” “The Extraterrestrials Took Me to Their Planet,” and “Let’s Welcome The Extraterrestrials,” present a groundbreaking perspective on the origins of life on Earth. Contrary to conventional beliefs, these works posit that life here is not a result of random evolution but a deliberate act of creation. However, this act wasn’t divine but scientific, orchestrated by extraterrestrial beings, the Elohim, who possess an advanced grasp of genetics and cellular biology.

These texts detail how the Elohim, from a distant planet, mastered the intricacies of life through DNA manipulation. Seeking a conducive environment for their experiments, they identified Earth. Here, they crafted plants, animals, and eventually humans. This narrative challenges traditional interpretations of the Bible, suggesting that the term “Elohim” (translated as “God” in many versions) actually refers to these extraterrestrial creators, emphasizing its plural form in Hebrew, meaning “Those who came from the sky.”

The Elohim’s experiments weren’t without challenges. Disturbed by the aggressive tendencies of humans, they expelled them from their initial habitat, reminiscent of the biblical “Garden of Eden.” Subsequent interactions between the Elohim and humans led to hybrid offspring, as alluded to in the Bible.

A significant event was the Great Flood, which, as per these texts, was a catastrophic attempt by a faction of the Elohim to obliterate life on Earth. However, a benevolent group among the Elohim preserved select humans and animals, drawing parallels to the Noah’s Ark narrative.

Post this cataclysm, the Elohim made a profound discovery: they too were products of a similar scientific experiment from another planet. Opting for non-interference thereafter, they still sent emissaries like Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad to guide humanity, embedding clues about our origins in religious scriptures.

The present era, termed the age of the Apocalypse (meaning ‘revelation’ in Greek), is significant. It’s a time when prophecies align with advancements, like the re-establishment of Israel, technological breakthroughs restoring sight, instant global communication, and the synthesis of the first human gene.

Raël’s account in the second book offers a deeper dive into the Elohim’s world. He describes a journey to their planet, encounters with historical prophets, and insights into life and death on the “planet of the Eternals.” Here, individuals live for centuries, and upon death, are recreated from their genetic code. Rael’s experiences also shed light on the Elohim’s understanding of the universe’s infinite nature, challenging conventional notions of divinity and the afterlife.

Our take

In very simple terms, to summarize The Truth as understood from the lenses of Raëlism is that life on Earth was created by a group of scientists from a distant planet who had achieved a level of technical and scientific knowledge comparable to that which humans will soon reach. The scientists created artificial life, including primitive animals and plants, and eventually, land animals and humans, who were kept in ignorance of scientific knowledge to prevent them from becoming a danger to their creators’ home planet. The passage suggests that the story of the creation of the Earth as described in the Book of Genesis has been distorted and misunderstood over time, and that it contains traces of the truth about the origins of life on Earth.

Such a claim would challenge traditional views of the origins of life on Earth, and raises many questions about the nature of reality and the role of science and technology in shaping our world.

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