
tl;dr The notion of altering constitutional features of an exoplanet such as the atmosphere or the surface of said planet in order to make it possible for a humanoid species to live on it. Terraforming is the technique that has been applied by the Elohim in tje beginning of their Genesis project of making the planet Earth habitable.

Terraforming is the process of changing the conditions on a planet, moon, or other celestial body to make it more like Earth so that humans (and possibly other Earth life) can live there. The word “terraforming” literally means “Earth-shaping”. The process would involve changing a planet’s temperature, atmosphere, topography, and ecology to be similar to those of Earth. For example, if we wanted to terraform Mars, we might find ways to warm the planet, add oxygen to its atmosphere, and introduce water and life forms. It’s like making a new Earth on a different planet. In simpler terms, terraforming is like setting up a new home on a different planet by making it look and feel like Earth. It’s a bit like taking a desert and turning it into a garden.

See also
