
The Wheel of Heaven Wiki is a comprehensive online resource that serves as an extensive repository of information related to the website's core themes. It features a wide range of articles, covering various aspects of the hypothesis about the role of advanced extraterrestrial civilization in shaping human history and the development of life on Earth. It's an invaluable tool for users seeking a deeper understanding of the site's exploration of humanity's cosmic connections and origins.
Abraham →

Originally called Abram or, in Hebrew, Avram. He is a Biblical patriarch from the times after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He is the first ambassador or prophet appointed by the civilization of the Elohim and held a non-hostile diplomatic relationship with them.

Adam and Eve →

Two key individuals of the earliest human prototypes that were successfully engineered. They were part of a distinct community originally of the human genus that lived during the days of the Garden of Eden in Eden. In concubination withe exiled creators, a rebellious Elohimian faction known as the Serpent, the Adamites gave birth to hybrid offspring. These offspring assimilated into the Adamite community, thus merging into a singular distinct group of hybrid and non-hybrid Adamites.

Adamite Struggle →

Pertains to the broader narrative of humanity's journey to autonomy, but specifically focuses on the experiences of the Adamites, a unique human community who originated in the Garden of Eden. This community, through liaisons with a rebellious Elohim faction known as the Serpent, produced hybrid offspring. These offspring integrated into the Adamite community, creating a unified yet distinct group comprised of both hybrid and non-hybrid Adamites, who collectively strove for intellectual and political emancipation from their creators, the Elohim, navigating through stages of enlightenment, rebellion, and retribution while persisting in their quest for recognition and independence.

Adamites →

A distinct community originally of the human genus that lived during the days of the Garden of Eden in Eden. In concubination withe exiled creators, a rebellious Elohimian faction known as the Serpent, the Adamites gave birth to hybrid offspring. These offspring assimilated into the Adamite community, thus merging into a singular distinct group of hybrid and non-hybrid Adamites.

Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis →

Also known as ancient aliens, the idea that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in the past and influenced ancient cultures and civilizations. This hypothesis suggests that many ancient structures and artifacts, such as pyramids and sacred objekts like the Ark of the Convenant, were created with the help of extraterrestrial beings and were intended to convey messages about the nature of the universe and our place within it. Proponents of the hypothesis also point to legends, myths, and religious texts from various cultures that describe encounters with beings from the stars.

Ancient Builders →

Sometimes also referred to simply as the Builder Race, the proposition that an unknown number of co-existing or successive builder civilizations are reponsible for having built long-lasting, hyper-resilient architectural structures that have lasted for at least thousand of years. While these structures may or may not have been built by the same civilization, they can be characterized as having been built by ancient builders by a number of peculiar fingerprints such as megalithic building elements, the polygonial interlocking of these elements and astronomical alignements.

Antediluvian →

The time period of life on Earth that preceeded the Great Flood. More specifically, the antediluvian period refers to a state of the world where human civilization had made great technological progress and have produced offsprings with a group of Elohims that had been banished to remain on Earth.

Apocalypse →

Greek for Revelation, refers to the Age of Revelation which preceeds the ushering into the Golden Age. The revelation being revealed during the days of the Apoclypse is the circumstantial truth preserved by religious scriptures, in particular the Bible, namely that the Gods of old are people from another planet and have been mistaken for supernatural beings due to their highly advanced technological capabilities.

Archaeoastronomy →

A scientific displine of understanding the anthropological past through the lense of astronomy and how the heritage of past cultures had been codified with astronomical observations. More specifically, the discipline is representative of an important body of research that is unveiling the extends to which knowledge and transmission thereof has been ever since the beginning of civilization making.

Astrobiology →

A scientific field of research that studies life in the universe. As life in the Universe hasn't conclusively been observed, astrobiology is foremost interested in under what conditions makes extraterrestrial life possible.

Bible →

A set of ancient religious scriptures witnessing what has happened so that humanity has proof when the Truth is revealed again during the times of the Apocalypse.

Biglino Method →

An alternative approach to interpreting the Bible, advocating for a literal understanding of its content rather than relying on figurative language or established exegesis. It seeks to reveal a different narrative by examining the text without metaphorical interpretations and emphasizing historical and cultural context.

Comparative Mythology →

Comparative mythology, a field of research that compares myths from cultures in order to identify shared motifs. Research has shown that cultures depict significant overlapping in their mythological retellings. This overlapping strongly suggests that these shared motifs across cultures reflect universal occurrences that are highly likely to have taken place.

Confusion of Tongues →

The follow-up reaction of the Elohimian civilization during the days of the construction of spacefaring technology that succeded the Great Flood in order to countervail the technological progress on Earth and render these efforts harmless. The confusion undertaking consisted of geographically disbanding the knowledge carriers all over the globe among tribes that could not understand them anymore.

Cosmic Evolution →

A purposeful, iterative creation of life across the universe by advanced civilizations. It transcends biological evolution, emphasizing deliberate design and continual refinement of humanoid life forms. Each successive creation represents an evolutionary step forward, although potentially posing a threat to their creators. This concept represents a blend of natural processes and conscious design in the grand progression of life across the cosmos.

Cosmic Pluralism →

Also simply known as the plurality of worlds, is the idea that multiple, yet unknown worlds must exist in addition to Earth where intelligent life must be present. The sheer vastness of space heavily supports this idea.

Council of Eternals →

Also Grand Council of Eternals, is a governing body admist the Elohimian civilization. It is consituted by 700 members, all Elohim individuals, who all live eternally on a dedicated planet separate from their home planet. This very same governing body is referenced to in multiple religions, especially in the Biblical scriptures and has and still is intervening in Earthly affairs.

Crop Circles →

Intricate patterns that appear in fields of crops. They have been associated with ufology due to the belief that some of them are created by extraterrestrial beings or advanced intelligences. These formations are seen as potential evidence of extraterrestrial visitation or communication. While some crop circles have been proven to be human-made hoaxes, the debate surrounding their origins continues within the field of ufology.

Cyberparadism →

In the realm of internet culture, an aesthetic is a cohesive blend of visual and thematic elements that convey a distinct mood or concept. Cyberparadism is an aesthetic that envisions a harmonious integration of advanced technology with the natural world, leading to a state of prosperity and abundance. It emphasizes the transformative power of technology, the interconnectedness of communities, and the importance of collective goals such as the embetterment of the human condition through technology. The typical Cyberparadism setting can be a utopian society on Earth having overcome intercultural enmity or otherworldly tech-based pantropic frontier communities. At its core, Cyberparadism celebrates a future where technology acts as a bridge, enhancing and harmonizing with the diversity and the genetic makeup of life.

Dhorme Bible Translation →

A French Bible translation conducted by the French Assyrologist and Semitologist Édouard Dhorme (1881-1966) known for its literal translation style that kept the original meanings intact in the French language.

Dragons →

An extinct class of biological life forms that originally got engineered on the Elohimian home planet that were characterized by being particularly dreadful and monstrous. As a consequence of the severity of an incident, the research and engineering got offshored to near-at-hand exoplanet, Earth, and kickstarted life upon its surface. These dragons are known to us through paleontology as dinosaurs.

Drake Equation →

Drake equation, an equation expressing the probability of intelligent extraterrestrial life as the product of various factors such as the fraction of planets that might be habitable or the fraction of planets on which life might arise. The equation is named after Franke Drake and serves as a probabilistic thought experiment to contemplate the possible existence of extraterrestrial life.

Eden →

A specific region of the antediluvian pangaean supercontinent where one of the seven Elohimian creator teams were quite talented and are accounted for having created paradise on Earth. The Garden of Eden refers to an enclosed research site operated by Elohimian researchers in the Eden region.

Elijah →

A Biblical patriarch and prophet from the First Temple period.

Elohim →

Elohim (אֱלֹהִים), the plural of Eloha (אֱלוֹהַּ), literally meaning the Powerful Ones or more figuratively, the Ones from Above, the Celestials. The name given to the Biblical Gods who in turn are a scientifically highly advanced civilization capable of interstellar travel, terraforming planets and life synthetization.

Elohimian Home Planet →

The extrasolar habitable planet where the Elohimian genus or at least the its civilization is originates from. This planet is allegedly roughly 1 lightyear away from Earth and thus to be located within the Milky Way galaxy.

Elohimian War →

An armed conflict of significant magnitude occurred between two opposing Elohim factions, the timing of which remains undisclosed but is understood to have taken place after the Great Flood. The faction composed of exiled creators, who had been banished to Earth and assisted Noah in preserving life, also gave rise to a hybrid group of Adamites. This faction was in rebellion against the ruling government on their home planet, led by the president of the Council of Eternals, Yahweh. The armed confrontation occurred both on Earth and in the surrounding space. Despite the tension and conflict, Yahweh and his consorts ultimately emerged victorious. However, demonstrating a measure of clemency, Yahweh forgave the exiled creators, allowing them to return to their home planet.

Forerunners →

An extraordinarily advanced extraterrestrial civilization believed to have created the Elohim, a humanoid race who themselves became creators, eventually genetically engineering life on Earth. The true nature and identity of the Forerunners remain largely a mystery, as they seemingly disappeared before the Elohim could physically encounter or directly learn from them. Their legacy, however, survives in the form of their vast scientific knowledge, which was preserved and could be one day passed down to humanity.

Four Levels of Consideration →

The four levels of consideration, derived from Raëlian theology and philosophy, propose a moral compass that requires consideration of four specific perspectives: the infinity of space, our creators - the Elohim, the human society we inhabit, and ourselves as individuals, in that order. This perspective echoes the hallmarks of classical existentialism, with its focus on individual freedom, authenticity, and responsibility. However, it transcends these concepts to formulate a unique form of cosmic existentialism, thereby integrating an awareness of humanity's position within the vast cosmos into our philosophical discourse.

Genesis →

Etymologically, the first book of the Bible, also known as Book of Genesis or B'reshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית) in Hebrew. More figuratively, the sum of all creational projects conducted on planet Earth by the Elohim which lasted 7 Great Months, which amounts to roughly 15'000 years.

Genetic Engineering →

A scientific discipline that involves the deliberate modification of an organism's genetic material, typically its DNA, to introduce new traits or characteristics. It encompasses techniques used to manipulate genes and genetic elements, such as gene insertion, deletion, or modification, to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Genetic engineering enables scientists to transfer specific genes between different species, create genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or introduce desired traits into organisms for various purposes, including improving crop yields, developing medical treatments, or producing useful products.

Geniocracy →

A proposed political system put forward by Yahweh as part of New Commandments that elects intelligent individuals into political positions pooled from the entirety of humanity, therefore only acknowledging intelligence as an attribute of eligibility rather than wealth, class, strength or power.

Golden Age →

The moment in time when humanity has reached a level of scientific sophistication and technological prowess to overcome self-destruction, enabling us to usher into an age of abundance and wealth where we learn the Truth about our own past and receive the inheritance promised by our Fathers, the Elohim. This Golden Age may coincide with the entering into the Age of Aquarius and a global Great Awakening of unknown heights.

Great Flood →

Also known as the Great Deluge, a cataclysmic event caused by a preventive military measure which got deliberately initiated by the distressed government of the distant home planet of the Elohim who wished to put an end to the independent scientific progress on Earth.

Great Month →

Also known as Astrological age or World Age, a period of time of around 2'160 years, the amount of time it takes for the phenomonen of precession to shift the Zodiacal band on the ecliptic westwards by 30 degrees, or a twelth of of the full circonference of 360 degrees. 12 Great Months amount to one Great Year.

Great Return →

The anticipated arrival of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, known as the Elohim, on Earth. According to the communications allegedly received from these entities, their return hinges upon humanity's desire for their arrival, respect for their position as our creators, and assurance that they will not be threatened by our military forces. Their arrival, if accepted and welcomed, promises to deliver a quantum leap in our scientific knowledge, equivalent to a leap of 25,000 years. The 'Great Return' would likely have profound impacts on human society, akin to those posited in the realm of extraterrestrial contact theory, potentially reshaping our scientific and technological landscapes, socio-political structures, and religious beliefs. However, this transformative encounter is contingent upon humanity's evolution towards peace, unity, and respect for our cosmic progenitors.

Great Year →

Also known as a Platonic Year, a period of time of around 25'920 years, the amount of time a full precessional cycle takes to complete.

Hebrew →

Specifically an ancient predecessor of the Hebrew language is revealed to be the official spoken language of the Elohimian civilization. As such, ancient Hebrew draws its furthest origins not from an Earhtly anthrogenic source but was inhereted directly from our creators, the Elohim as they spoke an ancient version of Hebrew which human beings adopted since their inception on. While modern Hebrew cannot be considered to be equivalent with the Elohimian language, the Semitic language family on the other hand can be understood to preserve the legacy.

Humanitarianism →

A proposed socio-economic doctrine put forward by Yahweh as part of New Commandments that focuses on the preservation of the future of humanity by implementating a particular kind of equality of opportunity. Ultimately benefitting talent and prowess, the abolition of inheritance and the estbalishement of Jubilean ownership contracts limited in time. Humanitarianism more generally spoken is doctrine that people's duty is to promote human welfare.

Infinity →

A scientific insight of the highest order as it postulates the very perpetual extent of time as well of space. It conceptualizes infinity as an intrinsic aspect of both space and time, devoid of any central point, beginning, or end. Two ancient symbols known throughout the world and ages testify of this wisdom of old given to us by the Elohim, namely the Swastika representing the cyclical nature of time and timelessness, and Magen David representing in turn that what is above is below, meaning the way space expands to greater macrosopic levels is the same as the way the space within the microscopic levels folds down to. According to the Elohim, humanity's creators, these symbols reveal the intricate symmetry of the universe and advise us to contemplate our existence and actions concerning the individual, society, the creators, and infinity. In essence, infinity is not merely a cosmological concept but the fundamental basis to guide one's life to live in harmony with infinity.

Intelligent Design →

A competing scientific paradigm on how life on Earth originated. It would be the single most accurate representation of what happened if the Elohim did synthetically engineer life on Earth through the means of ex-nihilo genetic engineering.

Jesus →

Jesus Christ, a Jewish prophet who existed at the end of the Second Temple period and is the main protagonist of the Gospels. He was tasked with the mission to spread the Biblibal scriptures as far and wide as possible, so that the writings could serve as proof for all of humanity when the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age would ultimately explain everything as we start to repeat what the Elohim did started themselves in the beginning of Genesis.

Kabbalah →

Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה) literally meaning 'tradition' is a school of thought of Jewish mysticism. Its major written work in known as the Zohar.

Leviathan →

A metaphorical reference to the exiled Elohimian faction, also known as the Serpent, that had to hide beneath the oceans in order to shield themselves from their opponents.

Life Engineering →

Refers to the application of scientific and technological approaches to intentionally design and construct artificial living organisms or biological systems with novel functions, characteristics, or capabilities. It involves the deliberate manipulation of genetic material and the assembly of biological components to bring about the emergence of entirely new life forms that do not exist in nature.

List of Close Encounters →

List of close encounters, an extensive enumeration of all close encounters with unidentified flying objects that have been reported beginning in antiquity up to modern day and age.

List of Etymological Readings →

List of etymological readings. By the agency of exploring the premises put forward by Wheel of Heaven, there are a number of religious, mythological or traditional notions that can be read etymologically. This list is going to catalogue to the majority of these notions.

List of Exegetic Readings →

By the agency of exploring the premises put forward by Wheel of Heaven, there are a number of religious, mythological or traditional notions that can be read with a neo-euhemeristic exegesis. This list is going to catalogue to the majority of these notions.

List of Megalithic Sites →

An extensive enumeration of known megalithic sites that more or less clearly feature the fingerprints of advanced architectural building qualities.

List of Mythemes and Mythological Motifs →

List of mythemes and mythological motifs. By the agency of exploring the premises put forward by Wheel of Heaven, there are a number of mythemes and mythological motifs that can be read via the working hypothesis interpretation. This list os going to catalogue the majority of these motifs.

List of Prophets and Religions →

A lot of religions, but not quite all, are considered to be established testimonies of authentic interactions between the Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) and human people on Earth. These interactions lead to religious writings and oral traditions that witness of the Elohimian doings. This list is going to exhaustively catalogue to a large extent the majority of notable religious traditions as well as prophets that lead to such traditions.

Lucifer →

Lucifer (Latin for Light-Bringer, or hêlēl, Hebrew: הֵילֵל, which means the same), not to be confused with Satan, is an Eloha (אֱלוֹהַּ) and the representative of a faction within the Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) that supports a thriving human civilization on Earth. It is not a proper name, but a metaphorical term for the role of bringing light. The name Lucifer and its Semitic counterpart hêlēl both refer to the morning star, Venus, which rises before the sun at sunrise

Mass Effect →

Or alternatively the law of masstime, is a hypothetical law of physics where time appears to move more slowly for larger and more complex systems than for smaller and simpler ones. The law hasn't been mathematically formalized yet, but derives all of its predictable ability from empirical obversations.

Menorah →

Serves as a remembrance of an Elohimite central base's switchboard in the Ancient Levant. This switchboard was characterized by seven illuminated switches, believed to maintain connectivity with six additional bases and an interplanetary vessel in orbit. This interpretation proposes that the Menorah's seven branches metaphorically signify the seven Elohimite bases established on Earth during that era.

Military Cover-Up of Exobiology →

Military cover-up of exobiology refers to the idea that military organizations or governments are concealing information about the study of extraterrestrial life or alien encounters. It suggests that there is hidden knowledge or evidence related to the existence of life beyond Earth, and that military entities are actively suppressing or controlling the release of this information to the public. Proponents of this theory argue that the military is involved in capturing or investigating UFO sightings, conducting secret research on extraterrestrial life forms, or even hiding evidence of direct contact with aliens. The notion of a military cover-up of exobiology implies a deliberate effort to withhold or manipulate information about potential extraterrestrial phenomena for various reasons, such as national security or societal stability.

Moses →

A Biblical patriarch from the times of Exodus.

Mytheme →

A fundamental unit of mythological narrative structure.

Neo-Euhemerism →

A philosophical attempt at rationalizing mythology, in particular the nature of Gods and Divine Beings, in historical terms by interpreting the seemingly supernatural characteristics attributed to Gods as the consequence of their technological and scientific sophistication. Neo-Euhemerism can be understood as the philosophical paradigm to equate ancient Gods with a spacefaring civilization, possibly of extraterrestrial origin. Hence the hypothesis put forward here on Wheel of Heaven is indeed sharing a similar DNA with neo-euhemeristic premises.

New Commandments →

A series of doctrines put forward by Yahweh that elaborate what humanity could take into account in order to progress and usher into the Golden Age, now at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

New Jerusalem →

A residence for the Elohim that should be rebuilt during the times of the Apocalypse.

Noah →

A Biblical patriarch born in Antediluvian times. He was nominated to participate in a gigantic preservation project intended to safeguard life created on Earth from the pending cataclysm.

Noah's Ark →

A world encompassing life preservation project lead by the Noah and the exiled Elohim left back on Earth ultimately embodied by a space craft orbiting Earth during the cataclysmic event known as the Great Flood safeguarding almost all of Elohimian creations.

Noahic Covenant →

A promise made by the Elohim right after the Great Flood which wiped out almost all life on planet Earth to never let that happen again. The Great Flood was the effects caused by a preventive measure initiated by the opposing Elohim government to end all scientific progress undertaken by the terrestrial human beings which was deemed too dangerous. With the help of a banished faction of Elohim, Noahs and others managed to preserve life by storing genetic source material of all terrestrial species which was safeguarded aboard the Ark, an orbiting spacecraft.

Number of Man →

Also known as the Number of the Beast or simply by the value it represents, 666 (χξϛ), is the number of human generations that will have existed on Earth since the creation of the first men during Genesis. If a generation is defined to last 20 years, the product of the Number of Man amounts to 13'320 years. If we have just entered the Age of Aquarius and we assume this coincides with the Number of Man, the first human being must have been created half a precessional cycle ago, which would be at the beginning of the Age of Leo.

Pangaea →

An antediluvian supercontinent that got terraformed out of a Earth-wide shallow sea bed by the Elohim soon after they arrived to planet Earth and started to investiagte its constitution.

Pantropy →

The notion to genetically modify and adapt the human species to be able to live on another planet otherwise hostile to the current constitution and biological abilities of the species. The continuity established by the Elohim to have genetically engineered the human species on planet Earth in their own image can be understood as an instance of pantropy.

Paradism →

The establishement of a post-scarcity, fully automatized socio-economic system in the image of the Elohim's home planet. Through technological means of automatizing labour and alleviation of hardships, abundance, prosperity and personal fullfilment would become the new currency of social pursuit.

Plurality of Gods →

Represents the distinctive interpretation that the Biblical tradition testifies to the existence of multiple divine beings. This concept also encompasses the belief that these divine beings were once akin to humans, and correspondingly, that humans possess the potential to evolve into god-like entities in the future.

Precession →

The steady change of orientation of the axis of rotation of Earth. Precession is the third key motion of the Earth next to the rotation around its axis (day cycle) and its revolution around the Sun (year). A full precessional cycle takes 25'920 years to complete.

Prophet →

A human ambassador that serves as the messenger and representative on behalf of the Elohim, the creator civilization that genetically engineered life on Earth. Throughout history many people have been chosen to serve as prophets. Each of whom had either inspired a new religious movement altogether or at least left a written or oral tradition. In either case, ultimately contributing to the the preservation and shaping of a Elohimian legacy on Earth.

Raëlian Symbol of Infinity →

Raëlism, a new religious movement that goes back to a Frenchman that avowedly met the representative of an extraterrestrial civilization, Yahweh, features a symbol that interlaces the Swastika within a Star of David, two ancient symbols both with a long historical track record, that is thought to represent two core aspects of Infinity. Infinity itself being the idea the most accurate descriptor of the physcality of reality. These two core aspects are the infinity of time symbolized by the Swastika and the infinity of space symbolized by the Star of David.

Raëlism →

A new religious movement that goes back to a Frenchman, Claude Vorhilon, that avowedly met the representative of an extraterrestrial civilization, Yahweh, in 1973 and subsequent years. He gradually adopted the name Raël and wrote down the dialogues that happened during all the encounters in a number of books that anyone can read today. The premise of the Raëlian faith is that most religions are witnessing the doings of a god-like advanced extraterrestrial civilization that terraformed Earth some 25'000 years ago and subsequently synthetically created life on Earth as described in the Biblical Genesis and other creation myths.

Religion →

A set of practices and beliefs that cultivates and teaches the connection (from Latin religare, to 'connect again') between the Human people on Earth and the Elohim, our progenitors and creators of life on Earth. Very much like the relationship between the parents and their children is a bond that needs culivation and reverence, a religion is meant to maintain the link between the creators and the created. A religion that does not strive to cultivate and rationalize that bond of gratitude towards the ones who created us is a different socio-cultural system altogether.

Sacred Geometry →

Sacred Geometry, the proposition that geometric notions of an higher order have been used in a number of historical structures, buildings and artifacts suggesting that their builders deliberately added an additional dimension of meaning into their work, effectively codifying their legacy with meaningful proportions and therefore leaving fingerprints alluding to a shared tradition of knowledge and wisdom.

Saṃsāra →

A Buddhist, Jainist and Hinduist notion of the cycle of death and rebirth. While the word itself is not canonical, Samsara refers to the cycle of recurring self-destruction if the progressive sophistication of scientific and technological means are used for warmongering and deterrence. Overcoming the cycle of death and rebirth is the ultimate condition to usher into the Golden Age of abundance and prosperity.

Satan →

Satan (śāṭān, Hebrew: שָׂטָן), not to be confused with Lucifer, is an Eloha (אֱלוֹהַּ) and the representative of a faction within the Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) that opposes the existence of a prospering offspring civilization on Earth which is seen as a threat to their remote well-being. As such, Satan is not a proper name, but an indicative form of the role that Satan fills, namely that of an obstructor, of a prosecutor or even of an accuser.

Sendy's Conditions of Coherence →

A set of conditions that need to be met in order to allow for an coherent and exact reading of the Bible where the Elohim are understood as individuals of an interstellar civilization mistaken as God.

Serpent →

A metaphorical reference to an unruly faction among the Elohim (אֱלֹהִים). After the first human beings got synthetically engineered on Earth, a subset of the engineering Elohim deemed it essential to educate these new humanly creatures coequally. The education was given to the first human beings and the Elohim responsible for it, known as the Serpent, got convicted and exiled to remain on Earth for their trespassing. One of the lead protagonists of this faction is known as Lucifer, the light-bringer.

Serpentine Rebellion →

The faction composed of exiled creators, who had been banished to Earth and assisted Noah in preserving life, also gave rise to a hybrid group of Adamites. This faction was in rebellion against the ruling government on their home planet, led by the president of the Council of Eternals, Yahweh. After the Great Flood, an armed confrontation occurred both on Earth and in the surrounding space.

Sodom and Gomorrah →

Sodom and Gomorrah, two Levantine cities that got destroyed by nuclear weaponry as a preemptive strike initiated by the Elohimian civilization against a vindictive Earthly faction that themselves got organized and potent. The Dead Sea is most likely an artifact of these nuclear explosions testimonying to this very day the aftermath that ensued.

Star of David →

An ancient symbol known by many names such as the Shield of David (Magen David) or the Seal of Solomon. While generally being associated with the Jewish culture and the Jewish faith, it symbol is depicted by many cultures at various times in human history. In Raëlism, it's meaning is interpreted to represent both equivalence of all scales of existence (commonly referred to by the infamous Hermetic saying "As above, so below") as well as the endless vastness of space (infinity).

Swastika →

A religious and cultural symbol exhibited by many ancient cultures up to this very day. While usually associated with the notion of well-being, good luck and similar positive connocations, in Raëlism, it is considered to simultaneously representing the cyclical natore of time, as well as the eternal continuity of time (infinity).

Synthetic Biology →

An interdisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, genetics, and engineering to design and construct artificial biological systems, genetic circuits, and organisms with novel functions or characteristics. It involves the deliberate modification or creation of genetic material and the engineering of biological components to program living cells to perform specific tasks or exhibit desired traits. Synthetic biology aims to understand and re-engineer biological systems.

Synthetic Genomics →

A branch of genetic engineering that focuses on the design, assembly, and synthesis of complete genomes or large segments of genomes. It involves creating artificial DNA sequences that mimic or differ from existing natural genomes. Synthetic genomics aims to construct genetic material, such as synthetic chromosomes or entire synthetic genomes, to study fundamental biological processes, understand the minimal set of genes necessary for life, and potentially create organisms with modified or novel characteristics. It involves the construction of artificial genetic material to explore and manipulate the genetic basis of life.

Terraforming →

The notion of altering constitutional features of an exoplanet such as the atmosphere or the surface of said planet in order to make it possible for a humanoid species to live on it. Terraforming is the technique that has been applied by the Elohim in tje beginning of their Genesis project of making the planet Earth habitable.

The Tradition →

A set of oral and written perennial truths that have been passed down over many generations and throughout various civilizations and have therefore kept intact the knowledge repository that originated in a remote past. The Tradition doesn't necessarily refer to a specific set of scriptures or books, but can be understood as the cultural and mythological legacy of all the individual people that had formalized the highest truths in a codified and allegedly incorruptable manner.

The Truth →

The Truth, the speculative notion that when enough tokens of partial truths are suitably demystified and compiled together, a cohesive all-encompassing narrative emerges that tells the chronicles of how life on Earth was engineered by an extraterrestrial civilization and of what followed thereafter up to this very day where this Truth will be revealed and retold during the times of the Apocalypse.

Third Temple →

A residence for the Elohim that should be rebuilt during the times of the Apocalypse.

Tower of Babel →

Tower of Babel (Hebrew: מִגְדַּל בָּבֶל, Mīgdal Bāḇel), during the early days after the Great Flood, an interstellar spacecraft (perhaps elongated in shape like a rocket) that was built in a collaborative effort between the people of Israel and the exiled Elohimian creators. The purpose of the spacecraft was to improve the diplomatic relations with the Elohimian home planet who were hostile to the preservation of life on Earth by securing amensty for its inhabitants.

Tree of Life →

A Biblical metaphor that stands for the scientific body of knowledge on how to provide the technological means to achieve eternal life. More specifically to lengthen human life expectancy up to 1'000 years as it was the case during the Age of Leo.

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil →

A Biblical metaphor for scientific knowledge records. The first genetically engineered human beings were shown some but not all scientific books, especially books containing great scientific knowledge were kept secret. The good and evil represents the deliberate ignorance about these records and the ramifications contained therein.

Ufology →

A field of study and research that focuses on the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), hence the name, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting or interacting with Earth. Ufologists investigate sightings, photographs, videos, and other reported evidence related to UFOs, analyzing them to determine their nature and origin. Ufology explores various theories, ranging from alien spacecraft to government cover-ups, and aims to understand the phenomenon of UFOs through scientific investigation, eyewitness testimonies, and documentary evidence.

US Space Force →

The United States Space Force (USSF), established in December 2019, is the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Conceptualized during the Trump administration, it was created due to the increasing strategic importance of space. Trump saw the creation of the USSF as necessary due to the evolving nature of warfare, the reliance of modern military systems on space-based assets, and the growing international competition in space. The USSF, under the Department of the Air Force, is tasked with protecting U.S. interests in space, deterring aggression in or from space, and conducting space operations.

Wheel of Heaven →

A web knowledge base exploring the working hypothesis that life on Earth was intelligently designed and engineered by the extraterrestrial civilization we collectively remember as the Elohim. The Wheel of Heaven itself is a metaphorical reference to the precession of equinoxes as being a heavenly wheel of constellations that steadily keeps on turning. It is also a slightly more obscure reference to Akhenaton, an Egyptian pharao of old who described a disk shaped space ship as looking like a wheel in heaven.

World Age →

Also known as an Astrological Age, a colloquial term to designate a Great Month by its Zodiacal name. For instance, right now, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

Yahweh →

Yahweh (יהוה), also known as the First and the Last (Alpha and Omega) is an Eloha (אֱלוֹהַּ) and the lead representative of the Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) as a whole. He is an Eternal in the sense that he has already inhabited multiple bodies (a Elohimian technique to live forever) and therefore member of the Council of Eternals acting as their head of Council. In Biblical scriptures, Yahweh is identifed as the Godhead and is also interchangeably equated with the civilization he's representing, the Elohim. Yahweh was also the Eloha that Raël met on multiple occassions, as did all the prophets that came before him.

Zodiac →

A band in the sky through which the sun passes through, known as the ecliptic. Within that band, there are 12 stellar constellations to be found which each are named after an animal. The Zodiac provides therefore the zoological symbols to properly name the position of the sun in the sky. Over the years, the relative position of the Zodiac shifts eastwards along the ecliptic due to the phenomenon of precession. With that understanding, the zodiac can be understood as the basis for the naming of 12 houses within a long-lasting cycle each denominating a given world age.
