Cosmic evolution

tl;dr A purposeful, iterative creation of life across the universe by advanced civilizations. It transcends biological evolution, emphasizing deliberate design and continual refinement of humanoid life forms. Each successive creation represents an evolutionary step forward, although potentially posing a threat to their creators. This concept represents a blend of natural processes and conscious design in the grand progression of life across the cosmos.

In Raëlism 🔯

“Cosmic evolution,” as depicted in Raëlism, transcends the traditional understanding of evolution being a solely natural and biological process. Here, evolution also embodies the notion of an iterative and deliberate progression in the creation of intelligent life forms - a process consciously driven by these cosmic creators, from the Forerunners to the Elohim.

This process, as described in the quoted passage from The Book Which Tells The Truth, has seen each subsequent creation of a humanoid civilization incorporating gradual improvements, an act akin to an artist refining their technique with each new masterpiece. The creators, starting from the Forerunners, continuously honed their knowledge and techniques, enabling them to create increasingly sophisticated life forms over time.

Each new version of ‘humanity’ is a testament to this iterative refinement, reflecting small enhancements that contribute to a grand process of evolution across the cosmos. This ‘designed evolution’ differs from natural evolution in its purposefulness and speed, being not a product of random mutations and natural selection over eons, but a result of deliberate design and creation.

Moreover, this evolution is not only physical but also intellectual and cultural. The creators didn’t just aspire to perfect the physical forms of their creations, but also to imbue them with increased intelligence and the capacity for sophisticated thought. They aimed to create beings who would not only survive but also thrive, appreciate their origins, and potentially continue this lineage of creation themselves.

However, this ‘cosmic evolution’ also involves an element of risk. As creations become more advanced, they might pose a potential threat to their creators. This concern underlies the Elohim’s hesitations about humanity on Earth, which is seen as possibly being slightly superior to their fathers. Despite this, the majority of the Elohim hope that humanity will prove its worthiness of the heritage it has received.

In conclusion, this model of ‘cosmic evolution’ depicts an intriguing blend of natural processes and deliberate design, highlighting the progression and potential of life not just on Earth, but across the cosmos. It presents a vision where intelligent life forms, starting from the Forerunners, have continually refined and enhanced life’s blueprint, contributing to a grand, cosmic lineage of creators and creations.

The mystery of abiogenesis

Traditional understanding of evolution primarily revolves around the concept of natural selection and random mutations over vast spans of time, where life forms adapt, diversify, and grow more complex due to environmental pressures. This process begins with a simple form of life, which, over billions of years, results in the vast diversity and complexity of life we observe today. However, this traditional concept of evolution doesn’t address the origin of life itself, the process known as abiogenesis.

Abiogenesis pertains to how life arises from non-living matter, such as molecules containing carbon and other elements. It is essentially the process that “kick-starts” the evolutionary machinery. While various theories exist, the exact mechanisms and conditions under which life first originated on Earth remain unclear.

In contrast, the concept of Cosmic Evolution as depicted in Raëlism involves a purposeful, conscious process of life creation and refinement by advanced civilizations. It’s a kind of ‘directed evolution’, where each successive creation represents an advancement over the previous one. But while this provides an intriguing explanation for the progression and diversity of life, it doesn’t necessarily solve the problem of abiogenesis either.

The issue arises from the question: How did the original creators - the Forerunners - come into existence? If they themselves were created by another civilization, who created that civilization, and so on? This leads to an infinite regress problem unless there’s a starting point - a civilization that arose spontaneously from non-living matter, essentially abiogenesis.

Thus, while Cosmic Evolution provides a novel perspective on life’s progression and the role of intelligent life forms in it, it doesn’t directly address the underlying mystery of how life originates from non-life. This remains a fundamental question in both traditional evolutionary biology and alternative perspectives such as Raëlism.

See also
