
tl;dr 人類の自律への旅のより広範な物語に関係していますが、特にエデンの園に起源を持つユニークな人類コミュニティであるアダマイトの経験に焦点を当てています。このコミュニティは、サーペントとして知られる反抗的なエロヒム派との連携を通じて、ハイブリッドの子孫を生み出しました。これらの子孫はアダマイトのコミュニティに統合され、混成アダマイトと非混成アダマイトの両方から構成される統一的でありながらも明確なグループを形成し、彼らは共同して創造者であるエロヒムからの知的および政治的解放を目指して努力し、啓発、反乱、報復の段階を経ながら、承認と独立を追求し続けます。

Sequence of events

The Adamite Struggle refers an to epoch-spanning struggle that started in the Age of Leo, which delineates the course of humanity’s evolution from their creation to their eventual emergence as independent and autonomous entities. This narrative presents the perspective of the human Adamites, who were embroiled in a complex political struggle against their creators, the Elohim.

The Adamites, also referred to as early human beings in Eden, were created by Elohimite scientists on Earth. Initially, these beings were kept in ignorance about the identity of their creators, who presented themselves as divine figures. This dynamic changed when Lucifer, a leading Elohimite scientist, revealed to the Adamites their true origin, thereby sparking an intellectual revolution among the humans.

This act of enlightenment was viewed as insubordination by the governing body of the Elohim's home planet. In response, Yahweh, the president of the council of the Eternals, enacted punitive measures, resulting in the eviction of the Adamites from their idyllic living conditions known as the Garden of Eden. Despite this expulsion, the Adamites showcased remarkable adaptability and resilience, leveraging their newfound knowledge and innate potential.

As their civilization advanced, the Adamites attempted an ambitious space exploration project, constructing the Tower of Babel as a symbol of their technological prowess. This interstellar mission aimed to gain pardon and acknowledgment from the Elohim’s government. However, these efforts were perceived as aggressive by the Elohim, leading to a period of disruption where the Adamites were scattered and their common language confounded.

Despite the setbacks, the tenacity of the Adamites eventually led to their recognition by the Elohim, marking a milestone in their journey towards independence. However, this period was not without conflict. A vengeful faction among the Adamites sought to retaliate against those who had attempted to annihilate them, leading to the catastrophic obliteration of the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah.


The Adamite struggle embodies the resilience and potential of humanity, highlighting their undeterred pursuit of knowledge, freedom, and recognition. Despite the adversities faced, the Adamites continued their journey towards self-realization and emancipation, offering valuable insights into humanity’s capacity to adapt, evolve, and seek autonomy.

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