Welcome to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section of Wheel of Heaven! Here, we provide answers to common questions about our hypothesis, resources, and the broader implications of our research. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Wheel of Heaven?
  2. The hypothesis
  3. Resources and navigation
  4. The Great Year and World Ages
  5. Attributed to the Elohim
  6. Future implications

What is Wheel of Heaven?

Q: Can you explain what Wheel of Heaven is?

A: Wheel of Heaven is a web-based knowledge repository exploring the hypothesis that life on Earth was designed by an extraterrestrial civilization known as the Elohim.

Q: What does Wheel of Heaven mean?

A: The Wheel of Heaven holds multiple meanings. Firstly, it symbolizes the precessional cycle of 25'920 years, which encompasses the journey through the 12 World Ages. Each Age corresponds to one of the zodiacal constellations, marking a grand celestial journey. Secondly, this term encapsulates the metaphorical destiny of humanity as a potential space-colonizing civilization. It suggests a narrative where humanity must first resolve its internal conflicts and destructive impulses to reach a future where we can venture to new stars and seed life on other planets. Lastly, the ‘Wheel of Heaven’ is also a nod to historical mysteries. It refers to a spherical spacecraft, as per ancient tales, that the famous Pharaoh Akhenaten allegedly encountered. This encounter inspired him to establish the city of Armana. See more: Wiki › Precession, Wiki › Samsara, Wiki › World Age

Q: What inspired the creation of Wheel of Heaven?

A: The concept of Wheel of Heaven is inspired by the intriguing possibility of extraterrestrial involvement in Earth’s history and the desire to explore this hypothesis through a blend of scientific inquiry and ancient textual analysis.

Q: How does Wheel of Heaven approach ancient scriptures?

A: It provides an interpretation that ancient scriptures, especially the Bible, might contain encoded messages from advanced civilizations known as the Elohim.

The hypothesis

Q: What is the core hypothesis of Wheel of Heaven?

A: At the heart of the ‘Wheel of Heaven’ hypothesis is a concept inspired by the revelations of Raëlism. It postulates that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, known as the Elohim, were responsible for creating life on Earth. This idea forms the foundation of our exploration, seeking to blend ancient narratives, modern interpretation, and scientific inquiry to understand our origins and place in the universe.

Q: Is this project an endorsement or defense of Raëlian beliefs?

A: Not exactly. While ‘Wheel of Heaven’ draws upon the foundational concepts of Raëlism, it is an independent endeavor. Our aim is to delve deeper into the narrative established by Raëlism, going beyond where the current Raëlian institution has ventured in terms of extracanonical material. This project is about expanding and exploring those ideas further, offering new perspectives and insights that complement yet remain independent in its assessment and evaluations. See more: Wiki › Raëlism

Q: I’ve never come across the term ‘Elohim’ before. Is this a name you created to add credibility to your hypothesis?

A: Actually, ‘Elohim’ is an ancient word with deep roots in religious texts. It’s the Hebrew term for ‘God’ as used in the Bible. An interesting aspect of this word is that it’s plural, implying a collective or group rather than a singular entity. Moreover, ‘Elohim’ shares a linguistic kinship with the Akkadian word ‘ilum’. Represented by the cuneiform symbol 𒀭, which portrays a star, ‘ilum’ translates to ‘sky’. Thus, ‘Elohim’ could be interpreted as ‘Celestials’, hinting at beings from the sky or stars. This connection not only enriches the term’s meaning but also aligns intriguingly with our hypothesis. See more: Wiki › Elohim

Q: Does the hypothesis challenge contemporary scientific paradigms?

A: Indeed, our hypothesis actively challenges several established scientific paradigms, too many to enumerate each and every one of them. For example, it questions the conventional understanding of human origins by proposing that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the Elohim, played a direct role in creating life on Earth. This notion intersects with and challenges the fields of evolutionary biology and anthropology, which traditionally attribute human origins to gradual evolutionary processes. Additionally, the hypothesis intersects with astrobiology, particularly in its exploration of extraterrestrial life. By suggesting that humanity itself is a product of extraterrestrial intervention, it prompts a re-examination of the criteria and conditions we consider necessary for life in the universe. See more: Wiki › Intelligent Design

Q: Does challenging established scientific paradigms make your hypothesis less likely to be accurate?

A: Challenging established scientific paradigms does not necessarily make a hypothesis less likely to be accurate; in fact, the history of science is replete with examples where groundbreaking ideas initially faced skepticism. Consider the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, which was radically contrary to the prevailing geocentric view but eventually revolutionized our understanding of the solar system.

It’s important to recognize that what are considered ‘big ideas’ or ‘all-encompassing narratives’ in science often undergo significant revision or are even replaced as new evidence emerges and understanding deepens. For instance, current concepts like the speed of light as the ultimate speed barrier, the long-term impacts of climate change, or the validity of String Theory, while widely accepted now, may evolve or be supplanted by new theories as our knowledge expands.

Historically, science tends to progress more reliably through incremental advancements that demonstrate their practical utility in engineering and other applied fields. These small steps contribute to a more robust and tested body of knowledge, rather than relying solely on grand, sweeping theories about the nature of reality. Therefore, while our hypothesis challenges current paradigms, it aligns with the dynamic nature of scientific progress, where questioning and re-evaluating established ideas is a fundamental part of the journey towards deeper understanding.

Q: Are there other hypotheses or theories similar to yours? Do any share common premises with your approach?

A: Indeed, our hypothesis shares some ground with various existing theories, yet it stands out through its unique synthesis of diverse concepts. We weave together elements from different schools of thought that are not traditionally combined. Key themes resonating with our hypothesis include the ancient astronaut hypothesis, aspects of intelligent design or creationism, and the significance of ancient scriptures like the Bible. Particularly, we explore the alignment of the first 7 World Ages with the biblical seven days of creation.

Moreover, our approach sheds new light on the onset of the Age of Aquarius, often associated with messianism and a time when hidden truths are revealed. While these ideas are usually considered in isolation or interpreted through conventional lenses, such as in Christian tradition, our hypothesis stands apart. We integrate these varied elements—spanning from the ancient astronaut theory to the mystical interpretations of astrological ages—into a singular, comprehensive narrative. This approach creates a cohesive body of inquiry that offers a fresh perspective on these interrelated themes, inviting a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos.

Resources and navigation

Q: What resources does Wheel of Heaven provide for understanding this hypothesis?

A: The website offers a comprehensive introduction exploring the whole narrative, a detailed wiki explaining concepts and ideas encountered in this narrative, and a curated resources section with books, websites, and audiovisual media to expand upon the premises presented.

The Great Year and World Ages

Q: What is the ‘Great Year’ and its significance in the hypothesis?

A: The ‘Great Year’, pivotal in our hypothesis, is an astronomical cycle spanning approximately 25,920 years. This period is divided into 12 World Ages, each aligning with one of the zodiacal constellations. These Ages provide a framework to understand vast historical and cosmic cycles. In our hypothesis, the ‘Great Year’ is not just a measure of time but a narrative tool that weaves together the journey of humanity and the purported interventions of the Elohim over these extended epochs. See more: Wiki › Great Year

Q: What are these 12 segments and how long does one last?

A: These 12 segments are referred to as ‘World Ages’, each lasting about 2'160 years. During a World Age, the Sun rises in the same zodiacal constellation at the vernal equinox. Presently, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, a significant shift in our hypothesis. Each Age is marked by distinct celestial influences and developments in human civilization, aligning with our overarching narrative of celestial intervention from our creators, the Elohim. See more: Wiki › World Age

Q: How do different World Ages factor into the hypothesis?

A: In our hypothesis, each World Age represents a distinct phase in Earth’s development and the activities of the Elohim. Starting with the Age of Capricorn, which we propose as the time of the Elohim’s arrival on Earth, each Age signifies different interactions and influences of these celestial beings. These Ages chronicle a journey of the creation of life on Earth, in particular that of humanity under their guidance, from our earliest beginnings to our potential future as a space-faring civilization.

Q: You mentioned a transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Can you elaborate on the significance of this shift?

A: Indeed, this transition, often referred to in popular culture as the New Age or the Age of Apocalypse, is not a new concept, but it holds profound significance in our hypothesis. We see this astrological shift as a pivotal moment for humanity. It’s a time where we’re on the brink of monumental advancements, yet also at a crossroads where we possess the power to either destroy ourselves or reach the next level of maturity.

According to our understanding, the emergence of technologies and energies capable of self-destruction coincides with this astrological transition. It presents an ultimate challenge – to overcome our internal conflicts and prove ourselves worthy of the advanced legacy bestowed upon us by our creators, the Elohim. Successfully navigating this period without self-annihilation is crucial.

We believe that if humanity can rise above its destructive tendencies, this will be the signal for the Elohim to reveal themselves globally, confirming their role in our creation and development. Such a positive outcome would usher in the much-anticipated Golden Age, marking our readiness to join the ranks of space-colonizing civilizations and inherit the full scope of our creators’ scientific and technological prowess. See more: Wiki › Apocalypse, Wiki › Saṃsāra

Attributed to the Elohim

Q: What scientific and artistic projects are attributed to the Elohim?

A: They are credited with terraforming Earth, creating plant and animal life, and eventually humans, with a focus on ecological balance and diversity.

Q: How did the Elohim manage the ecological balance on Earth?

A: They engineered a balanced ecological order by studying ecosystems, designing a stable food web, and managing population dynamics.

Future implications

Q: What potential future discoveries could support the Wheel of Heaven hypothesis?

A: Future archaeological, genetic, and technological discoveries as well as space exploration could provide further evidence for the hypothesis, potentially unveiling more about the Elohim and their impact on Earth.
