
This is the Introduction section of the Wheel of Heaven website which presents a captivating narrative exploring the hypothesis that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the Elohim, played a pivotal role in the creation and development of life on Earth. It delves into various facets of this theory, from the foundations of civilization and religious syncretism to the concept of intelligent design and a potential great awakening in human consciousness. The narrative reinterprets ancient scriptures and historical events, proposing a cosmic connection between humanity and extraterrestrial beings. Each chapter invites readers into a thought-provoking journey, challenging conventional views and encouraging exploration of humanity's cosmic origins and destiny.

Chapter 1 — At a glance

This is the opening chapter, recommended as the starting point. It establishes the foundation for an intellectual exploration into humanity's cosmic origins and interstellar potential, setting the stage for a journey through the narrative of the Wheel of Heaven. Chapter 1 explores the hypothesis that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, known as the Elohim, influenced the origins and development of life on Earth. It delves into the intersections of ancient beliefs, historical events, and modern scientific thought, suggesting a deep cosmic connection between humanity and extraterrestrial beings.

1.1 Wheel of Heaven 🌌 →

The "Wheel of Heaven" introduction page sets the stage for a thought-provoking exploration into the origins of life on Earth, influenced by Raëlian revelations. It presents a hypothesis suggesting that life was created by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the Elohim. This intriguing premise serves as a gateway to a grand narrative that traverses the foundations of civilization, major historical events, and the evolution of human understanding. It invites readers to embark on an intellectual journey, reexamining ancient scriptures and historical mysteries through the lens of modern scientific insights and cosmic pluralism. This chapter is the beginning of a comprehensive exploration of humanity's potential interstellar connections and cosmic destiny.

Wheel of Heaven 🌌

1.2 The Setting →

The Setting of the Wheel of Heaven invites readers on a journey exploring the foundations of civilization, history, and crucial events that have shaped our world. It encourages an open-minded approach to understanding the website's hypothesis, suggesting a transformative or enlightening experience for those who delve into its content. This section sets the stage for the exploration of ancient narratives, modern interpretations, and scientific inquiries, aiming to broaden perspectives on humanity's origins and place in the universe​​.

The Setting

1.3 The Foundation →

The Foundation delves into a conceptual framework that supports its narrative on the origins of life on Earth. It presents a cosmic pluralism viewpoint, suggesting that the vast universe likely harbors abundant sentient life, possibly in proximity to Earth. This section underpins the narrative that sentient life on Earth is part of a broader interstellar chain of civilizations, providing a cohesive foundation for the website's grand narrative and exploration of humanity's cosmic connections​​.

The Foundation

1.4 The Hypothesis →

The Hypothesis elaborates on a theory deeply influenced by the Raëlian revelations. It explores the idea that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization known as the Elohim played a crucial role in creating life on Earth. The website proposes a nuanced interpretation of these Raëlian messages, considering them in the context of our evolving world. This hypothesis forms the backbone of the website's narrative and underpins its exploration of humanity's origins and place in the universe​​.

The Hypothesis

Chapter 2 — Timeline

Chapter 2, Timeline, in the Wheel of Heaven outlines a series of epochs, each corresponding to a Zodiac sign, starting from the Age of Capricorn to the Age of Aquarius. It explores the activities and influence of the Elohim, an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, throughout these ages. This journey includes their genetic experimentation, the creation of artificial life, and the shaping of Earth's ecosystems. Key biblical events are reinterpreted, suggesting a deep connection between the Elohim and humanity. The narrative weaves through historical epochs, indicating the Elohim's continuous influence on Earth and its life forms.

2.1 Preamble →

before 21'810BC

The Preamble introduces a speculative narrative about an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the Elohim, who embark on genetic experimentation and interstellar exploration. Drawing parallels with the "Jurassic Park" series, it delves into the hypothetical events leading up to the Elohim's arrival on Earth, set against the backdrop of the Age of Capricorn, 21,810 years ago. This story blends elements of science fiction with mythology, exploring themes of scientific hubris and the ramifications of genetic engineering.


2.2 Age of Capricorn →


The Age of Capricorn discusses the first precessional month in the Great Year cycle, a period of 2,160 years when the rising Sun on the Vernal Equinox aligns with the Capricorn constellation. This epoch marks the arrival of the Elohim, an extraterrestrial civilization, on Earth, following a tragic incident in their genetic experiments. The page also interprets various Biblical passages, particularly from Genesis, suggesting that the term "Elohim" refers to beings from the sky who selected Earth for their scientific projects, including the creation of artificial life. This interpretation proposes a different understanding of the Biblical "days" as long periods marked by the precessional cycle of the Earth's axis.

Age of Capricorn

2.3 Age of Sagittarius →


The Age of Sagittarius, spanning from 19,650 to 17,490 BC, is depicted as the second World Age following the Age of Capricorn. It begins with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, having already confirmed Earth's potential for sustaining life, embarking on terraforming activities. This period is allegorically linked to the 'Second Day of Creation' in Genesis, where the division of 'waters above and below the firmament' is interpreted as scientific investigations between Earth's oceanic and atmospheric layers. The culmination of these activities is the creation of a continent from the ocean's seabed through controlled explosions, a significant step towards establishing a permanent presence on Earth​.

Age of Sagittarius

2.4 Age of Scorpio →


The Age of Scorpio, lasting from 17,490 to 15,330 BC, represents the "Third Day of Creation" in the Wheel of Heaven narrative. Following the terraforming achievements of the Age of Sagittarius, this epoch is characterized by the Elohim scientists' efforts in synthetic biology on the newly formed supercontinent. They focused on creating vegetation, including various types of plants capable of reproduction, thereby initiating the first steps towards a diverse ecosystem on Earth. Their work, combining scientific prowess with artistic influence, sought to create a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing natural world. This period is crucial in the narrative for laying the foundations of life as we know it, marking a significant transition from terraforming to life creation​​.

Age of Scorpio

2.5 Age of Libra →


The Age of Libra, lasting from 15,330 to 13,170 BC, in the Wheel of Heaven narrative, represents the "Fourth Day of Creation." Following the establishment of plant life during the Age of Scorpio, the Age of Libra focuses on the further development and regulation of Earth's newly engineered ecosystems. The Elohim scientists utilized their understanding of celestial bodies to measure time and adapt to Earth's cycles, aiding in the design of Earth-specific flora and fauna. This period involved creating balanced ecosystems with a variety of plants, fungi, and small life forms, and understanding Earth's climate and biomes to ensure the survival and flourishing of these engineered species​​.

Age of Libra

2.6 Age of Virgo →


The Age of Virgo, lasting from 13,170 to 11,010 BC, marks a significant period in the Wheel of Heaven narrative, following the Age of Libra. During this age, the focus shifts to the creation of aquatic life and birds. The process began with the creation of plankton, small and large fish, and seaweed to establish a balanced aquatic ecosystem. This development mirrors modern ecological principles. Additionally, this era saw the introduction of birds, with artists playing a key role in designing their diverse forms and vibrant colors. However, some designs were so elaborate that they impacted the birds' flight abilities. Notably, this period also included the creation of large, fearsome creatures resembling dragons, dinosaurs, and brontosaurs, acknowledging the earlier opposition to such ambitious creation plans on the scientists' home planet​​​​.

Age of Virgo

2.7 Age of Leo →


The Age of Leo, spanning from 11,010 to 8,850 BC, follows the Age of Virgo in the Wheel of Heaven narrative. This age is marked by the creation of land animals, following the establishment of marine life and birds. The planet, now rich with vegetation, provided ample resources for these new herbivores, and carnivores were later introduced to maintain ecological balance. A significant development during this age was the creation of artificial human beings, resembling the extraterrestrial scientists themselves. This led to controversy on their home planet due to fears that these new beings might surpass their creators in capabilities. Consequently, the newly created humans were left to live primitively, without scientific knowledge, and each human race is said to correspond to a team of creators​​​​.

Age of Leo

2.8 Age of Cancer →


The Age of Cancer, spanning from 8,850 to 6,690 BC, follows the Age of Leo in the Wheel of Heaven narrative. This era is crucial for the development of the relationship between humans and their extraterrestrial creators, the Elohim. Key events include the Elohim scientists, identified as "the Serpent," defying their own government's restrictions by providing humans with advanced scientific knowledge. This act of rebellion led to their exile on Earth and created a shift in the dynamic between humans and their creators, as humans began to seek knowledge and power independently. This period represents a significant turning point in the narrative, marked by conflict and the pursuit of intellectual autonomy by humans​​​​.

Age of Cancer

2.9 Age of Gemini →


The Age of Gemini, lasting from 6,690 to 4,530 BC, follows the Age of Cancer in the Wheel of Heaven narrative. This age is characterized as a period of new beginnings and transformation, symbolized by the story of Noah and the Flood. It represents a shift towards increased communication and cooperation between different cultures and peoples, facilitating the sharing and dissemination of ideas and knowledge. During this time, the Elohim faction exiled to Earth, including the group known as the Serpent, held a belief in sharing scientific knowledge with humanity, contrasting with the controlling approach of the Elohim government from their home planet. This age also includes the dramatic event where the Elohim government, feeling threatened by human scientific advancement, decides to destroy all life on Earth with nuclear missiles. However, the exiled creators intervened, asking Noah to build a spaceship to preserve species' genetic material, ensuring the continuation of life on Earth after the cataclysm​​​​.

Age of Gemini

2.10 Age of Taurus →


The Age of Taurus, from 4,530 to 2,370 BC, is a significant period in the Wheel of Heaven narrative, following the Age of Gemini. In this age, the previously exiled creators were pardoned and allowed to return to their home planet. They advocated for the humans on Earth, drawing the attention of their home planet to Earth and its inhabitants. Meanwhile, some humans, harboring a desire for vengeance, gathered in the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. These humans, who had previously salvaged scientific secrets, prepared to retaliate against those who attempted to destroy them. This era culminated in the destruction of these towns by what is interpreted as a divine atomic explosion, as described in the biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah​​​​​​​​.

Age of Taurus

2.11 Age of Aries →


The Age of Aries, spanning from 2,370 to 210 BC, succeeds the Age of Taurus in the Wheel of Heaven narrative. This era is marked by significant biblical events, particularly relating to Moses, a pivotal figure in Judaism. The narrative interprets Moses' encounter with the burning bush as an interaction with advanced technology, akin to a rocket, symbolizing an extraterrestrial presence. Furthermore, this age details the liberation of the people of Israel, guided by the Elohim, who led them during the day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire, as described in the Book of Exodus. These events illustrate the continued influence and guidance of the Elohim in human affairs during this period​​​​.

Age of Aries

2.12 Age of Pisces →


The Age of Pisces, spanning from 210 BC to 1950 AD, succeeded the Age of Aries and recently transitioned into the Age of Aquarius. This era is characterized by significant biblical events, notably the role of Christ, whose mission was to spread the truth of the biblical scriptures worldwide, serving as a foundation for humanity's understanding in the forthcoming age of science. The Age of Aquarius, beginning in 1945 with the development of nuclear power and information systems, symbolizes a time of increased knowledge and technological advancement, enabling humanity to reinterpret ancient wisdom through a modern lens. Additionally, the Age of Pisces included the birth of a significant child, born from a human mother and an extraterrestrial, inheriting unique telepathic abilities, as depicted in the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ​​​​​​​​.

Age of Pisces

2.13 Age of Aquarius →


The Age of Aquarius, spanning from 1950 CE to 4110 CE, marks the current era in the Wheel of Heaven narrative, succeeding the Age of Pisces. This age, referred to as the New Age, signifies a major transition in world paradigms. It represents the end of the world of the Church, reflecting a completion of its role in preparing humanity for the return of extraterrestrial creators. The Age of Pisces, identified with Christ and his apostles, transitions into the Age of Aquarius, symbolizing a period of significant change, including the reestablishment of the state of Israel in 1946. This era is characterized by a shift in global consciousness and understanding, aligning with prophecies and symbolizing transformative changes in human society and knowledge​​​​​​​​.

Age of Aquarius

Chapter 3 — Take-aways

Chapter 3, Take-Aways, in Wheel of Heaven, distills key insights from the exploration of Earth's life being engineered by the Elohim. It revisits significant themes: the concept of intelligent design by extraterrestrials versus random evolution, the integration of various religious beliefs under this hypothesis, and the transformative shift in human consciousness recognizing extraterrestrial influences. This chapter encapsulates the broader implications of such revelations on human history, development, and our understanding of the universe.

3.1 Extraterrestrial Civilization →

The "Extraterrestrial Civilization" chapter synthesizes the key takeaways from the site's exploration of the hypothesis that life on Earth was engineered by the Elohim, an advanced extraterrestrial civilization. This chapter likely summarizes the journey through ancient scriptures, historical events, and scientific interpretations that support this theory. It probably aims to consolidate the insights gained from previous chapters, offering a cohesive understanding of how this extraterrestrial influence might have shaped human history and development, and what implications this has for our perception of humanity's place in the cosmos.

Extraterrestrial civilization

3.2 Intelligent Design →

The "Intelligent Design" chapter delves into the concept of life on Earth being the result of intentional creation by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, as opposed to random evolutionary processes. This chapter would explore the intricacies of this theory, examining evidence and arguments that support the idea of a deliberate, intelligent force behind the development of life and human civilization. It may also address the broader implications of this perspective, challenging conventional scientific and philosophical views on evolution and the origin of life.

Intelligent Design

3.3 Religious Syncretism →

The "Religious Syncretism" chapter on the Wheel of Heaven website explores the blending and integration of various religious beliefs and practices, especially in the context of the site's hypothesis about extraterrestrial influence on human civilization. This chapter delves into how different religious traditions and stories could be interconnected or reinterpreted in light of the theory that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the Elohim, played a key role in human development. It aims to provide a cohesive view that bridges gaps between diverse religious narratives, offering a perspective on the synthesis of these religious beliefs.

Religious syncretism

3.4 The Great Awakening →

The "Great Awakening" chapter on the Wheel of Heaven website addresses a transformative shift in human consciousness and understanding, in line with the site's central hypothesis of extraterrestrial influence on Earth. This chapter discusses the impact of recognizing an advanced alien civilization's role in human history, how this awareness could alter our global perspectives, and the potential societal and philosophical changes resulting from such a revelation. It explores the notion of humanity entering a new era of enlightenment, the anticipated Golden Age, spurred by a deeper understanding of our origins and place in the cosmos, as suggested by the Wheel of Heaven's narrative.

The Great Awakening

Chapter 4 — See more

Chapter 4, See More, in Wheel of Heaven, provides resources for further exploration of the site's themes. It includes an FAQ section addressing questions about the Elohim and their role in shaping life on Earth, a Knowledge Base with comprehensive resources for deeper understanding, and a Community section to connect with others interested in the topic. This chapter offers tools for engaging with the site's narrative and encourages community interaction and discussion around its central hypothesis.

4.1 FAQ →

The FAQ section of the Wheel of Heaven website provides insights into the hypothesis that life on Earth was created by an extraterrestrial civilization known as the Elohim. It offers interpretations of ancient scriptures, particularly the Bible, as potential messages from these advanced beings. The content is inspired by Raëlian revelations and aims to merge ancient stories with modern scientific inquiry. This section serves as a resource for understanding the site's narrative and offers additional materials for further exploration​​​​.​


4.2 Knowledge Base →

The "Knowledge Base" section on the Wheel of Heaven website is designed as a comprehensive resource for those wishing to delve deeper into the concepts, theories, and narratives presented on the site. This section offers a range of materials, including secondary and tertiary literature, to enhance understanding of the hypothesis of extraterrestrial influence on Earth. It includes detailed explanations, references to scientific and historical texts, and additional media resources, providing a thorough backdrop for the exploration of the site's central themes and supporting the broader intellectual journey proposed by Wheel of Heaven.

Knowledge base

4.3 Community →

The "Community" section of the Wheel of Heaven website is focused on fostering a network of individuals who share an interest in the site's narrative about extraterrestrial influence on Earth. This page offers various ways for visitors to connect, engage, and discuss the intriguing concepts presented on the site. It features forums, social media links, and other platforms where like-minded individuals and those intrigued by the hypothesis can exchange ideas, delve deeper into discussions, and become part of a growing community interested in exploring these unconventional theories about human civilization and its origins.
