
tl;dr Un ensemble de pratiques et de croyances qui cultive et enseigne la connexion (du latin religare, « reconnecter ») entre le peuple humain sur Terre et les Elohim, nos ancêtres et créateurs de la vie sur Terre. Tout comme la relation entre les parents et leurs enfants est un lien qui a besoin de culture et de révérence, une religion est censée maintenir le lien entre les créateurs et les créés. Une religion qui ne s'efforce pas de cultiver et de rationaliser ce lien de gratitude envers ceux qui nous ont créés est un système socioculturel complètement différent.

Religion is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been defined and interpreted in a variety of ways throughout human history. One way to interpret religion is as a relationship between humanity and its creator or divine force. This interpretation views religion as a means of establishing a connection between humans and the divine, and of understanding and communicating with the ultimate reality or power that governs the universe.

In this context, religion provides a framework for understanding the world and one’s place within it, as well as a set of beliefs and practices that guide individuals in their quest for meaning, purpose, and a sense of connection to something greater than themselves. Religion also often involves the worship of a deity or deities, the study of sacred texts, and the performance of rituals and other practices that are believed to bring the faithful closer to their deity.

For many religious individuals, their faith and relationship with the divine is an important aspect of their daily lives, shaping their values, beliefs, and actions. For others, religion is a source of comfort and solace, providing guidance and support during times of hardship and uncertainty. Still others may see religion as a means of connecting with a community of like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs and practices.

In Raëlism 🔯

In the third book, Let Us Welcome The Extra-Terrestrials, the following is said about religion:

Religion from the Latin religio means “that which links” or “the tie”, which unites the creators to their creation.

See also
