Quatre plans de considération

tl;dr The four levels of consideration, derived from Raëlian theology and philosophy, propose a moral compass that requires consideration of four specific perspectives: the infinity of space, our creators - the Elohim, the human society we inhabit, and ourselves as individuals, in that order. This perspective echoes the hallmarks of classical existentialism, with its focus on individual freedom, authenticity, and responsibility. However, it transcends these concepts to formulate a unique form of cosmic existentialism, thereby integrating an awareness of humanity's position within the vast cosmos into our philosophical discourse.

The four levels

The philosophy put forward by Raëlism, a new religious movement that goes back to founder Claude Vorhilon, widely known as Raël, is profoundly marked by its interpretation of humanity’s origins and destiny. In the second book of the Raëlian canon titled “Extraterrestrials Took Me to Their Planet”, Raël, through the alleged revelations by Yahweh, elucidates the ethical guidelines for individuals who seek enlightenment within the confines of this movement, creating a moral compass through purported revelations from Yahweh.

Raël provides a detailed exploration of these principles in the third chapter, “The Keys”, specifically in the subchapter “Humanity” of his second book, “Extraterrestrials Took Me to Their Planet”:

In every situation, we must always consider things in regard to four levels:

  • In relation to infinity;
  • In relation to the Elohim, our parents and creators;
  • In relation to human society;
  • And finally, in relation to the individual.

The most important level is that relating to infinity, for it is in relation to this level that all things must be judged - but always with one constant factor: love. This means taking others into account, who must be given love, because we must live in harmony with infinity, and to do this we must live in harmony with others, because they are a part of infinity as well.

Then we must take into account the advice given by our creators, the Elohim, and act in such a way that human society listens to the advice of those who created it.

Then we must take into account society, which makes it possible for individuals to blossom on the path of truth. But although society must be taken into account, it should not be followed; on the contrary, society must be helped to emerge from its primitive straitjacket by regular questioning of all its habits and traditions, even if these are supported by laws that are only there to try and imprison our minds in shackles of obscurantism.

Finally, we must take into account the fulfillment of the individual. Without this the mind does not reach its full potential, and it is impossible to harmonize yourself with infinity and become a new man if you are not fulfilled.

In this passage, Raël lays out the core tenets of his philosophy. Firstly, he establishes infinity as the most critical level of consideration, suggesting that all things must be judged in its context and always with the factor of love. Secondly, he highlights the importance of adhering to the advice of the Elohim, our creators. Thirdly, Raël emphasizes the need to continually question societal norms, traditions, and laws to avoid mental confinement and encourage truth-seeking. Lastly, he asserts the importance of individual fulfillment, stating that without it, one cannot truly harmonize with infinity or achieve their full potential.

These guidelines, simply termed the “Four Levels of Consideration”1, represent unique perspectives that humans is encouraged to incorporate into all aspects of their lives. Each level corresponds to a realm of existence, spanning from the vastness of space, understood to be infinity itself, down to the individual being. In descending order, these four levels are the following ones:

  1. Infinity: The first level of consideration encourages one to maintain an expansive perspective by continuously reflecting on the notion of infinity. As he states, “the most important level is that relating to infinity, for it is in relation to this level that all things must be judged”. In this context, the universe’s limitless nature should be used as a yardstick to gauge actions and decisions. This infinite orientation underscores the idea that individuals are part of a broader cosmic fabric that surpasses human comprehension. It promotes an altruistic ethos, urging individuals to consider others as integral parts of the infinite tapestry of existence.

  2. Our creators (Elohim): A core tenet of the Raëlian belief system are the Elohim, the extraterrestrial beings who they believe have created life on Earth, in particular humanity and were mistaken for Gods and still are remembered as such. They consider these entities as their spiritual parents, worthy of reverence and emulation. According to this level, one should always take into account the advice of these creators, acting in a way that human society listens and follows their guidance.

  3. Human society: Within this framework of thought, society is considered both an enabler and an inhibitor of technological, but also spiritual development. While it can provide a conducive environment for the realization of truth, it is believed society often stifles spiritual progress. Consequently, the third level of consideration encourages one to challenge societal norms, laws, and traditions, seeing these elements as potential shackles imprisoning human minds in obscurantism.

  4. Individual: Finally, the fourth and last level of consideration emphasizes the importance of personal fulfillment, which is perceived as an essential prerequisite to achieving alignment with infinity and subsequently transforming into an evolved being. Without self-fulfillment, one cannot achieve harmony with the infinite and fully realize one’s spiritual potential.

These levels of consideration encourage a complex interplay of introspection, reverence for the divine, societal questioning, and pursuit of personal fulfillment. The implications are manifold. In a world marked by fragmentation and division, the first perspective advocates a broader perspective, promoting unity and empathy. The second perspective brings a sense of spirituality and reverence, creating a moral compass guided by the wisdom of the Elohim. The third perspective fosters critical thinking and resistance to blind conformity, thereby cultivating societal evolution. Lastly, the principle of individual fulfillment emphasizes personal growth, pushing for the development of an enlightened, self-actualized individual.

Cosmic existentialism

The Raëlian philosophy’s Four Levels of Consideration can be viewed as central components of a novel branch in modern philosophical discourse: Cosmic Existentialism.

Grounded in classical existentialist principles of individual freedom, authenticity, and responsibility, Cosmic Existentialism extends these ideas into a cosmic realm, imbuing philosophical reflection with a metaphysical awareness of humanity’s position within the cosmos and our connection to infinity. This perspective is reflected in the Raëlian first level of consideration about infinity itself, which promotes a cosmic consciousness, and the last level of consideration, the one of the individual, which underscores personal development within this vast cosmic framework.

Relationship with Cosmicism

Cosmicism is a term largely associated with the work of H.P. Lovecraft, an American writer of weird and horror fiction. Lovecraft’s philosophy of cosmicism expresses the insignificance of human endeavors in the grand scheme of the universe. According to cosmicism, human beings are an unimportant part of an uncaring cosmos that is utterly alien to our understanding.

Cosmicism often invokes feelings of insignificance, hopelessness, and the futility of mankind’s existence. It is usually devoid of any consideration of divine entities that care about humanity or of humanity having a specific purpose or goal in the universe.

On the other hand, “Cosmic Existentialism,” as elucidated through Raëlian philosophy, is a positive and proactive philosophical approach that encourages a metaphysical awareness of humanity’s position within the cosmos, our connection to infinity, and our interactions with extraterrestrial life. It is based on the consideration of four levels, starting with the infinite cosmos, and narrowing down to individual fulfillment. Far from deeming human existence as insignificant or futile, it emphasizes individual freedom, authenticity, responsibility, and personal growth within the cosmic context.

While both philosophies share a cosmological perspective, they diverge significantly in their approach to humanity’s role and significance within the universe. Cosmicism leans toward nihilism and existential dread, while Cosmic Existentialism promotes personal growth, societal questioning, reverence for creators, and alignment with the infinite cosmos.

See also

Wiki › Infinity
Wiki › New Commandments
Wiki › Raëlism

Existentialism | Wikipedia

  1. The term “level” can also be subsituted with “realm” or even “plane” as each level of consideration represents a given size of space. In the original source text, the French “plan” is used which is best translated as “plane” into English. The official translation however opted for the term “level”, therefore, out of consistency, we’re also using “level” here. ↩︎
