
tl;dr Una visión científica del orden más alto, ya que postula la extensión perpetua del tiempo y del espacio. No hay centro como no hay principio ni fin. Dos símbolos antiguos conocidos en todo el mundo y las edades dan testimonio de esta sabiduría de antaño dada a nosotros por los Elohim, a saber, la esvástica que representa la naturaleza cíclica del tiempo y la atemporalidad, y Magen David que representa a su vez que lo que está arriba está abajo, es decir, el camino. el espacio se expande a niveles macroscópicos mayores es igual a la forma en que se pliega el espacio dentro de los niveles microscópicos.

Infinity in space

The concept of an infinite universe in space is based on the idea that there is no edge or boundary to the universe, and that it extends forever in all directions. This idea is supported by the observed uniformity and homogeneity of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which suggests that the universe is isotropic (the same in all directions) and homogeneous (the same at all points).

Additionally, the fact that we have not yet observed a distinct edge to the universe, despite our increasing technological capabilities and knowledge, also supports the idea of an infinite universe.

Magen David ✡

Infinity in time

The concept of infinite time is related to the idea that time has always existed and will always exist, without any beginning or end. This idea is based on the idea that time is a fundamental aspect of the universe and cannot be created or destroyed.

In physics, the concept of time as an infinite and unchanging entity is supported by the laws of thermodynamics, which suggest that time is irreversible and that entropy (a measure of the disorder of a system) always increases over time. This suggests that the universe has a definite history and that time cannot be reversed, supporting the idea of an infinite and unchanging time.

Swastika ࿕

See also

Wiki › Mass effect
Wiki › Raelian Symbol of Infinity
Wiki › Star of David
Wiki › Swastika
