
tl;dr Ein menschlicher Botschafter, der als Bote und Repräsentant im Namen der Elohim fungiert, der Schöpferzivilisation, die das Leben auf der Erde gentechnisch verändert hat. Im Laufe der Geschichte wurden viele Menschen als Propheten ausgewählt. Jeder von ihnen hatte entweder eine ganz neue religiöse Bewegung inspiriert oder zumindest eine schriftliche oder mündliche Überlieferung hinterlassen. In beiden Fällen tragen sie letztendlich zur Bewahrung und Gestaltung eines elohimischen Erbes auf der Erde bei.

A prophet is a person who is believed to have a special connection to a deity or divine power and is said to receive divine revelations, messages, or guidance that they then communicate to others.

The term “prophet” is used in various religious contexts, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and other traditions. The original meaning of the term is someone who speaks for a deity, translating divine will and wisdom to humanity.

In many religious traditions, a prophet is considered to be a special intermediary between the divine and human realms and is often seen as a messenger of divine truth, moral guidance, or warning of impending judgment.

In some religious traditions, the role of a prophet is also seen as one of a moral and spiritual guide, helping individuals and communities to understand the will of the divine and to live in accordance with divine principles.


The English word “prophet” comes from the Greek word “prophetes,” which means “one who speaks forth” or “one who speaks for.” This word is derived from the verb “propheteuo,” which means “to speak forth” or “to speak for.”

In ancient Greece, the word “prophetes” was used to refer to someone who was considered a mouthpiece for the gods, speaking on their behalf and communicating their will and messages to the people.

This Greek word was later adopted and used in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, to translate the Hebrew word “nabi,” which is commonly used to refer to a prophet in Jewish and Christian traditions.

In Raëlism 🔯

In the third book, Let Us Welcome The Extra-Terrestrials, the following is said about the meaning of prophet:

Prophet from the Greek prophetes means “the one who reveals”.

See also
