
tl;dr Eine eigenständige Gemeinschaft ursprünglich der menschlichen Gattung, die während der Tage des Gartens Eden in Eden lebte. In Konkubination mit verbannten Schöpfern, einer rebellischen elohimischen Fraktion namens Schlange, brachten die Adamiten hybride Nachkommen zur Welt. Diese Nachkommen assimilierten sich in die Adamitengemeinschaft und verschmolzen so zu einer einzigartigen Gruppe hybrider und nichthybrider Adamiten.

This article explores the history and mythology of the Adamites, a unique group believed to have existed during the time of the Garden of Eden. They should not be confused with the sect of early Christian Adamites who were active during the 2nd to 4th centuries CE. Despite sharing the same name, the two groups are entirely unrelated. The Adamites discussed in this article are described in certain interpretations of ancient scriptures as having participated in a union with a rebellious faction of the Elohim known as the Serpent, resulting in a hybrid offspring. This distinct population then merged into a singular group, collectively known as the Adamites.


The etymology of the name of both Adam and Adamites is uncertain, and several etymological theories have been proposed.

One theory is that the name Adam is derived from the Hebrew word “adamah”, which means “earth” or “soil”.1 This is in line with the biblical account of Adam being formed from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7). Another theory is that the name “Adam” is derived from the Akkadian word “adamu”, which means “to make” or “to create.” This interpretation emphasizes the idea of Adam as the first human being created by God. A third theory is that the name “Adam” is related to the Hebrew word “adom,” which means “red”.2 This interpretation is based on the idea that the color red symbolizes life and vitality, and that the name Adam reflects the idea of the first human as the source of life.

In other words, we can assume that Adamites is best understood as “Earthlings” as in “of the Earth”.

According to Mauro Biglino

In his book The Naked Bible author Biglino provides an intriguing perspective on the identity of the Adamites:

Anyone familiar with his work knows exactly what he is referring to, namely the cloning that Genesis, allegedly, talks about to explain the appearance of the Adamites. This was a ‘special’ community of particularly intelligent super-Sapiens able to understand the orders of the Elohim, the Lords of the Gan Eden3, later improperly renamed the Garden of Eden.4

Biglino’s interpretation sheds light on the origin and nature of the Adamites, framing them as a specially created group with heightened cognitive capabilities.

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  1. The Hebrew word אדם (adam) has cognates in several ancient Near Eastern languages, such as Phoenician and Ugaritic, typically signifying “man” or “earth”. This suggests its origin from the Proto-Semitic word *dam-, which means “soil” or “earth”, thus implying that “adam” essentially signifies an “earthling” or “human being”. See here for more: אדם # Hebrew | Wiktionary ↩︎

  2. The Hebrew word אדם (adam), besides its roots in the Proto-Semitic word *dam- meaning “soil” or “earth,” might also be related to the Hebrew word אדום (‘adóm), which means “red.” This connection suggests a potential association with “blood,” given its red color, or “red ochre soil,” highlighting a multifaceted interpretation of “adam” as an earthling or human imbued with life (blood) or tied to the earth’s red soil. See here for more: אדום # Hebrew | Wiktionary ↩︎

  3. Biglino refers to the Garden of Eden by its original Hebrew idiom, Gan Eden, which he identifies as an experimental laboratory, a “fenced and protected garden” located in the region of Eden. ↩︎

  4. Excerpt from Mauro Biglino, Giorgio Cattaneo (2022): The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in history, p. 21 ↩︎
